Command Line Interface (CLI)


  cotton [-d] [-c] [-p] [-i] [-l] [-b <basedir>] [-r <reporttype>] <testpath|testdir>
  cotton -v
  cotton --help

  -b string
        set base directory path
  -c    compact mode
  -d    debug mode
  -h    display this help
  -i    disable certificate verification
  -l    display test case titles, no test execution
  -p    paranoid mode
  -r string
        set reporter type, html or ctrf
  -s    stop when test failed
  -v    display cotton version


By default, Cotton prints out test title, setup title, teardown title, result, and summary.

-b Set baseDir

All links in setups and teardows with relative path will be referenced from baseDir. Default is current directory.

-c Compact mode

Compact mode is minimal logging execution. Cotton prints out only test title, result, and summary.

-d Debug mode

Debug mode is verbose logging execution. Cotton prints out everything for debugging purpose.

-h Display help

Cotton prints out help information.

-i Insecure mode

Insecure mode will disable certificate verification.

-l List test cases

Since 1.2.0

List all test cases. No test cases are executed.

-p Paranoid mode

Paranoid mode is detailed verbose logging execution. Cotton prints out very detailed information for further debugging purpose.

-r Reporter type

Since 1.1.0

Set reporter type. Default is no reporter.

  • ctrf for Common Test Result Format reporter.
  • html for HTML Test Result Format reporter.

-s Panic mode

Cotton will terminate immidiately if a test failed.

-v Version

Cotton prints out application version.